One Minute Harp Meditations goes Live ...
Casual sonic serenity to calm your mind.
What to Expect
Each experience is different, but heres a general outline of these peaceful events.
1Turn up and Build a nest
Whether your at an 'in-person' event or checking in online, its so important to prepare your resting space so its warm and comfortable and you know you won't be disturbed. (15 min)
2Lay back and Rest
Allow Lady Harp to pacify your mind so your soul can soar. This is your time to really connect with your whole being. This is not purpose driven or goal orientated, it is simply an opportunity to let the noise go, and allow the gentle potency of your heart to resonate through you completely. (45 min)
3Return rested and energised
Slowly awakening from your convalescence, perhaps you will be able to see things anew;
be more considered in your actions;
more aware of your dominant thoughts:
better able to see constrictive cyclic thinking patterns and therefore able choose to move in more nourishing and expansive directions.
4Gather things and Venture into the night...
This can be an affirming process for anyone that chooses to share, these events can reveal both comfortable and uncomfortable experiences and generally speaking, everyone benefits from thsee sharings. Your voice counts.
5Gather things and Venture into the night...
Say farewell to your fellow acoustic revellers and head off into a delightfully peaceful week ahead.
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Whats so special about the Lady Harp?
What is Harp Meditation & How is it different to other meditation practices?
Do I need any special equiptment for this kind of thing?
What do I need if I'm checking in on Zoom?
Is there a difference between hearing and listening?
Is there a difference between thinking, feeling and emotions?
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